How to create a web service in eclipse (Creating bottom up web service using tomcat apache)
Configure Tomcat Apache in Eclipse Windows -> Preferences -> Server -> Run time Environments ->Add Then you can select your Apache Tomcat server click next and provide the path of Tomcat Installation Directory click Finish Creating the bottom up web service Download the latest Axis2 binary distribution from here Now we set Axis2 run time to Eclipse Windows -> Preferences -> Web services -> Axis2 Preferences Select Axis2 Runtime tab and give the path to Axis2 Runtime Location. Then click 'OK' Now create a dynamic web page by File -> New -> Other -> Dynamic Web Project Then you come to New Dynamic Web Project Wizard and give name to web project In this example - WebServiceToPrintName Here, you have to set configuration by clicking modify button Then you come to Project facet wizard and select 'Axis2 Web Services' as a project facet Then click 'OK' Now you get new dynamic web page called WebServiceToPrintNa...