What is J2ME? J2ME is Java 2 Micro Edition which is specially cut down version of java for mobile devices such as mobile phones, PDA, set top boxes and etc. J2ME is basically devided in to configurations, profiles and optional APIs. These provide specific information about APIs and different families of devices. Configuration This defines a Java Virtual Machine and set of core level API s for specific kinds of devises based on memory constraints and processor power. There are currently two configurations called Connected Device Configuration (CDC) and Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) . CDC aims for set top boxes, home appliance and high end PDAs CLDC aims for mobile phones, pagers and etc. Profiles Profiles are more specific than configurations. There can be different profiles in J2ME but only one is used at time. The mostly used profile is Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). Some versions of MIDP are MIDP 2.0 and MIDP 2.1. Optional Packages Th...